We understand that competing studios may have different skill levels, so AXIS is proud to offer five separate levels of competition. Teachers are left to their own discretion when entering routines. AXIS judges reserve the right to "bump up" a routine to a higher level that they feel has a more advanced skill set than the level they were entered in. All discussions are final. Routines that are moved by the judges or management are exempt from the level percentage rule.
Little or no competition experience.
This level is reserved for beginner dancers only.
Dancers in this level should be working on attempting skills such as single/ double pirouettes, grand jetes, grand battements, flexibility skills, and fouette sequences but show signs of unsteadiness and improper control.
Tap sounds in this level should be simple, needing improvement in clarity and definition.
Dancers in this level must not train more than 3 hours per week including dance / acrobatics.
If a dancer competes in the Novice Level as a soloist, they must remain in the Novice Level for all solos.
In mixed level Groups, Lines, and Productions the higher percentage of the dancers will determine the level.
If a Duo/Trio has one or more dancer(s) competing as a soloist at a higher level that routine must be entered in the higher level.
All Duo/Trio, Groups, Lines and Productions can always choose to compete at a higher level.
Limited competition experience.
This level is reserved for beginner dancers only.
Dancers in this level should be working on attempting skills such as double pirouettes, grand jetes, grand battements, flexibility skills, and fouette sequences but only show minor signs of unsteadiness and improper control.
Tap sounds in this level should be basic.
Dancers in this level must not train more than 4 hours per week including dance / acrobatics.
If a dancer competes in the Novice Plus Level as a soloist, they must remain in the Novice Plus Level for all solos.
In mixed level Groups, Lines, and Productions the higher percentage of the dancers will determine the level.
If a Duo/Trio has one or more dancer(s) competing as a soloist at a higher level that routine must be entered in the higher level.
All Duo/Trio, Groups, Lines and Productions can always choose to compete at a higher level.
This Level is for dancers on the rise between Novice Plus and AXIS.
Dancers in this level should have developing talent demonstrating moderate to average technique and polish.
Dancers in this level should show signs of starting to master skills such as double / triple pirouettes, grand jetes, grand battements, flexibility skills, and fouette sequences with only minor inconstancies.
Tap sounds in this level should demonstrate a moderate knowledge of dynamics, rhythm and timing.
Dancers in this level must not train more than 6 hours per week including dance / acrobatics.
If a dancer competes in the Intermediate Level as a soloist, they must remain in the Intermediate Level for all solos.
In mixed level Groups, Lines, and Productions the higher percentage of the dancers will determine the level.
If a Duo/Trio has one or more dancer(s) competing as a soloist at a higher level that routine must be entered in the higher level.
All Duo/Trio, Groups, Lines and Productions can always choose to compete at a higher level.
This level is the highest and most competitive.
Dancers in this level should demonstrate proficient to outstanding technique, choreography and performance skill.
Tap sounds in this level should show advanced dynamics, rhythm and timing.
If a dancer competes in the AXIS Level as a soloist, they must remain in the AXIS Level for all solos.
In mixed level Groups, Lines, and Productions the higher percentage of the dancers will determine the level.
If a Duo/Trio has one or more dancer(s) competing as a soloist at a higher level that routine must be entered in the higher level.
This level is designed for dances with special needs.
The Sparkle Level will be its own complete level with high score awards.
When registering you will be able to let us know your specific dancer's challenges in our notes section.
Tiny Tot 3 - 4 years old
Petite 5 – 6 years old
Mini 7 – 8 years old
Junior 9 – 11 years old
Teen 12 – 14 years old
Senior 15 – 19 years old
Adult 20 years & up
The average age of all performers in a Duo/Trio, Small Group, Large Group, Line or Production determines the appropriate age division. The dancer's age is determined as of January 1st. This also includes solos. To figure the average, add the ages of all the performers in a routine and then divide by the number of performers. DROP THE DECIMAL POINT. For example, if the average age is 12.9, this routine would compete in the 12 year old age division. Any routine is allowed to compete in one age division higher but must be approved by AXIS Dance Competition when entries are submitted. Additionally, if a protest arises regarding age, all competitors must be prepared to present proof of age. All protests must be presented in writing to the AXIS Dance Competition Director within one half hour of the incident. All protests must be signed. We require that proof of age be presented in the event of a protest.
Bump Rule:
Duo/Trios, Groups, Lines and Productions including dancers of different age divisions will compete no more than one age division younger than the oldest dancer, regardless of average age. However, if a dancer 20 years of age or older (regardless of professional or amateur status) competes in a routine, the routine must be in the adult age division. There will be no cash award in the adult age division.
Acro - Contains a combination of dance technique and acro/gymnastic movements. Any number of acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible.
Ballet - Includes Classical or contemporary ballet movement and technique. Ballet shoes only.
Ballroom - Contains ballroom technique. Must be performed with ballroom heels or ballroom shoes.
Contemporary - Routine incorporating, lyrical or jazz movement fused with modern elements.
Hip Hop - Street dance, free-style, pop n' lock, etc.
Jazz - Contains tradition jazz movements and technique.
Lyrical - A combination of jazz and ballet technique that interprets the lyrics of the music.
Modern - Consists of modern technique and interpretive movement.
Musical Theatre - Styles of dance with music from any Broadway or Movie Musical.
Open - Includes those numbers that combine more than one style of dance and/or contain more than 3 acrobatic tricks.
Pointe - Classical or contemporary pointe technique. Pointe shoes only.
Pom Pons - Performed with Pom Pons for at least 75% of the routine.
Tap - Contains tap technique. Tap sounds on CD are strictly prohibited.
* All categories except for Acro and Open are limited to 3 acrobatic tricks excluding: forward and backward rolls, handstands, round offs, headsprings, cartwheels, front and back walkovers and side aerials. If multiple students perform the same trick at the same time, it only counts as one trick. All passes with multiple tricks are counted as one trick.
* We urge all studio owners, teachers and parents to keep performances, costumes and choreography age and themed appropriate. Any routine deemed to be inappropriate by the AXIS judges or management will be subjected to a deduction or disqualification.
Solo (1 dancer)
Duo/Trio (2 - 3 dancers)
Small Group (4 - 9 dancers)
Large Group (10 - 15 dancers)
Line (16 - 24 dancers)
Production (25+ dancers)
**Please note that once a routine has competed and placed in the overall top ten at a regional event, it is no longer eligible for regional overall awards for future seasons. It is only eligible for adjudication awards.
Divisions-Time Limits:
There will be a 10 second "grace period" allowed for each routine. After a routine is 10 seconds over the time limit, 1 point will be deducted for each second past the "grace period.”
EXTENDED TIMES: Solos, Duet/Trios, Groups & Lines may purchase an extended time of 30 seconds at $3/per performer. To register for extended time, please check the box on the routine that indicates “Request Extended Time” on your online studio account.
Solo | 2:45 |
Duo/Trio | 2:45 |
Small Group | 3:00 |
Large Group | 4:00 |
Line | 5:00 |
Production | 8:00 |
Solo - Duo/Trio Only Competition:
Routines that compete at any Solo and Duo/Trio only competition are eligible to compete at another regional competition within the same season. This rule is regardless of placement. Judges panels will vary from regional to regional.
One adjudication award will be given to every Solo, Duo/Trio, Small Group, Large Group, Line and Production routine. A corresponding medal will be given to each soloist. A corresponding pin will be given to each contestant in Duo/Trios, Small Groups, Large Groups, Lines and Productions. All entries will be adjudicated by three (3) judges. Awards will be presented based on the combined scores listed below:
Diamond: 300 - 295
Elite Platinum: 294.9 - 289
Platinum: 288.9 - 279
High Gold: 278.9 - 264
Gold: 263.9 - 249
Silver: 248.9 - 234
Bronze: 233.9 - 200
*All routines will be scored in .1 increments
Point System:
Each Judge will be awarding up to 100 points based on the following criteria:
Technique - 50 points
Showmanship - 20 points
Choreography & Musicality - 20 points
Overall Execution - 10 points
All ties will be broken, first by technique score, second by showmanship score and third by a judges’ poll.
In addition to the adjudication awards, a competitive 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Place Award will be given to the entries with the highest scores in the Tiny Tot, Petite, Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior divisions.
AXIS Judges are made up of the highest caliber of sought after professionals in the performing arts, competition studio directors and teachers affiliated with major dance studios. Our Judges are all well trained in multiple genres of dance and because of that are easily able to take into consideration the various skill levels performed by the dancers' as well as differing ages to offer valuable feedback to our competitors.
Music Requirements:
It is mandatory that all music is uploaded with your registration. All music must be uploaded no later than 10 days prior to the competition date. A $20 Late Fee will be added if all music is not uploaded 10 days prior to the competition date. All uploads must be in either MP3 or M4A format. In addition to uploading your music - Please bring one USB Flash Drive (as a backup) with all music in order of scheduled competition.
Competition Schedule:
The competition schedule will be emailed two weeks prior to the first day of competition. All changes must be made no later than one week prior to the first day of competition. Any changes to the competition schedule made after 7 days prior to the first day of competition will incur a $20 fee per change. AXIS cannot guarantee a specific day or time for dancers to compete. All dancers should be prepared to perform one hour prior to their scheduled performance time.
Payment Options:
All entry fees can be paid on our online registration by credit card, as this is our preferred method of payment. All entry fees must be paid in full no later than 21 days prior to the event. If paying by check only studio checks, money orders or cashier checks are accepted and must be received no later than 21 days prior to the event. Refunds will only be issued up until 7 days prior to the event. No refunds will be issued after the 7 day deadline unless the competition is cancelled. Refunds will be issued in the form of a check addressed to the studio and mailed to the studio address. After the 7 day deadline only credits will be issued. Credits will be issued to the studio Dance Comp Genie account and can be used for any future event. Credit card processing fees, studio rebates and online registration fees (solos only) will be deducted in all refunds and credits. In the event that a competition is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances the competition will be rescheduled at a later date. If studios are unable to attend the rescheduled competition a credit will be issued to your account. In the event that a dancer is injured or a routine is deleted at the event a credit will be issued. In order to receive this credit the studio owner / teacher must fill out the “Credit Form” included in the studio welcome bag. This form MUST BE turned in to the registration booth before leaving the event. Credits are subject to approval and are at the sole discretion of AXIS Management. A representative from each studio must check in at the merchandise booth upon arrival to the competition to receive a welcome gift and resolve any payment disputes.
General Props are allowed if used as part of the routine. No dangerous props may be used such as fire, knives or swords. Live animals are strictly prohibited. Props or objects of any kind cannot leave any residue on the stage such as liquids, gels, aerosols, glitters, or powders. All props must be labeled with studio name. If you are using a prop for your routine please remember to check the box when registering online. If the stage is "littered" during a routine, please be prepared to clean it up immediately after the routine is finished. All props must be set up within 5 minutes.
*A dancer may never stand, kneel or lie down above 7 feet from the stage floor level.